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254 Broad Avenue Leonia, NJ 07605 201.592.1712

  • September 22, 2021 2:30 PM | Lance Strate (Administrator)


    Rosh Hashanah Morning, 5782

    Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz

    The year was 1871. Ulysses S. Grant was president. The Civil War had ended just 5 years before. The great Chicago Fire killed 300 and left 100,000 homeless. The first major league baseball game was played on May 4 and the first home run was hit on May 8. Across the pond Queen Victoria ruled England. Lord Stanley located a missing explorer in Africa and greeted him with the words, Dr. Livingstone I presume.

    In Hoboken a group of German Jews founded a congregation that they called Adas EmunoThe Assembly of the Faithful. Twelve years later, in 1883, they built a synagogue, a Gothic Revival building that still stands today and which the Hoboken Evening News called, a credit to the city. We have a yad, a Torah pointer, from that dedication that is kept right behind me in our ark; and we still read from the Torah with the help of this 135-year-old yad.

    While most of our congregational records have been lost over the decades, the original minutes from our first years survive. They were hand written in German, in an old style few people can read today. But one person who can is our very own Kurt Roberg, whom many of you know. Kurt, a refugee from Nazi Germany, with a remarkable story that he has written a book aboutand possibly our most senior member at age 97has been reading and transcribing those minutes.

    At the Annual Meeting of the congregation on Sunday, Oct. 20, 1872 the president praised the generosity of the members in acquiring a Torah and other sacred objects, of raising some $1385 against total expenses of $1088 for a cash-on-hand balance of $297. Two weddings were held that year, and two b’nai mitzvah. Two funerals were also held that year. The second, writes the president, “for my little son.” The president concludes his address to the congregation, saying,

    I have now given you an overview of everything that concerns our congregation, and even though there are somethings that we still wish to accomplish, we may be proud of the advances we made in one year. Don’t hesitate to sacrifice whether time or money to complete the task we have begun.

    By the 1890s the congregation had tripled to a hundred families. The flourishing community included a religious school, a choir, and a benevolent association to aid the poor called the Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society.At the turn of the century a Hanukkah menorah was dedicated to the congregation on December 13, 1900. Our 121-year-old menorah is in the vestry room and we still light it every year.

    On May 27, 1917 a teen named Esther Cohn was confirmed at the Temple. She must have misplaced her Confirmation Certificate because I found it behind some books in the vestry room a few years ago. It was signed by the rabbi, Moses Eckstein and by the president, Samuel Neuberger. Evidently, each student picked a “motto” for their certificate. Esther chose a verse from the 23 rd Psalm, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me. A hundred years later we still have a Confirmation Class and each year I ask my students to pick a verse for their Confirmation essay.

    Records grow scant as the 20th century progressed. We do know that in 1919 dues were set at $30 a year. They rose to $45 by 1924. But High Holy Day seats were extra, and the ones closest to the bimah cost another $15. We no longer sell seats.

    The congregation joined the Union for Reform Judaism in the 1920s and has remained in good standing since then.

    On October 4, 1951, Milton Neuman, who was chair of the Eightieth Anniversary Committee of the congregation, received a congratulatory letter from President Harry Truman. Milton Neuman’s nephew, Michael Levy, is an active third generation member of our congregation. His parents and grandparents were members, and two of his grandchildren became b’nai mitzvah here.

    Every time we enter this synagogue, which became our home only after a century in Hoboken, we are reminded of our origins. We pass the dedication plaque at our entrance to the left most often without noticing it. Then we enter the sanctuary and see the memorial plaques from our original building. The names of our predecessors and their loved ones are not forgotten.

    We are now just over a month away from what our past president Lance Strate reminds us is our sesquicentennial. 150 Years! We made it!

    The congregation persevered through the great pandemic of 1917-18. So too we persevered through the great pandemic of 2020-21.

    The congregation weathered the Great Depression of the 1929. So too we weathered the Great Recession of 2009, eighty years later.

    Demographic changesthe shrinking Jewish population of Hobokencompelled the congregation to relocate after a century. Demographic changesthe shrinking Jewish population of Leonia and environsonce again challenge our future.

    No doubt, Congregation Adas Emuno will have to come up with a strategic plan to address its future. But for now, as we emerge from the pandemic and as we reach our sesquicentennial, we pause to give thanks and to celebrate.

    In the Torah, a half century is called a Jubilee. So this year is the triple Jubilee of our founding and our first Leonia Jubilee.

    Fifty years of marriage also has a special name. So this year is the triple Golden Anniversary of our founding and our first Leonia Golden Anniversary.

    I wish we could celebrate this milestone year with no restrictions. We’re not there yet. So our 150th Anniversary Committee decided not to have one gala event, but a series of anniversary celebrations spread out over the entire year. You’ll be hearing much more about them in the coming months. We decided to announce the year now at the High Holidays. The actual date of our founding, Oct. 22, happens to be a Sabbath evening this year. At that service we will dedicate a new Torah cover commissioned for the occasion. Debby has finished making that cover and so I can tell you it is special. Hanukkah, Purim, Pesachall our holiday celebrations will have anniversary themed tie-ins. And, God willing, a year from October we will conclude the anniversary year with a true gala.

    Milestone anniversaries are certainly a time to look back, and savor treasured memories. Our president, Michael Fishbein, assisted by others, is assembling a history of the congregation to the best of our ability, and we hope to have an exhibit later this fall to be viewed at the Leonia Library.

    But I suggest that anniversaries are also a time to look forward. That is why we created the Adas Emuno 150th Anniversary Fund and launched it three years ago. Our goal was two-fold: $150,000 and 100% participation. I’m delighted to report that regarding the first, we have exceeded our goal. In fact, due to the generosity of member families, we have raised over $220,000 to bolster the creative programming and reserves of our congregation. What a tribute to our membership.

    That generosity has come from approximately fifty families, or about 60% participation. Can we get to 100%? It’s not too late to give to AE 150. Please join us… at any level.

    Our hardworking AE 150 committee, chaired by past-president Beth Ziff, and including past presidents Virginia Gitter, Alan Spector and Lance Strate; current president Michael Fishbein, vice-president Elka Oliver, and  Susan Grey and Richard Alicchio, has not only come up with a year full of celebrations. I also happy to report that two wonderful projects have been suggested, and just approved by the Board.

    The first will be an enduring physical enhancement to our synagoguethe creation of a patio and pergola in the space in between the Temple and our school. The patio will serve as an outdoor classroom and worship space. During the pandemic, the need for such a space became all the more apparent, and in fact, we conducted the final two sessions of school in this area. Now it will be all the more inviting and safely accessed for people of all ages. You will have the opportunity to help complete this project by having pavers inscribed with your name.

    At the same time, AE 150 will also fund an exciting outreach proposal led by our amazing student cantor, designed to attract young Jewish families from the area, including dozens of Israeli-American families that moved to Bergen County from NY during the pandemic. What better time to do this than this year with Cantor Karlin!

    When our founders first established this congregation in Hoboken, they were thinking about the next generation of Jewish life beyond New York. They were thinking about their children who would grow up in the new world, and speak English. They were thinking about the next generation when they established a religious school and a youth group.

    When the leaders of Adas Emuno made the difficult decision to move to Leonia, they were thinking about the next generation as well. They were thinking about how Jewish life was now growing beyond the first-tier suburbs to the promising frontier of Bergen County. They knew that Congregation Adas Emuno was never big or rich and might not survive the move. But they also knew that Adas Emuno was a dedicated and down-to-earth assembly of the faithful.

    So what does it mean for us to now think about our next generation? Let’s be honest. Our numbers are diminishing. The demographic tide in our little corner of the world is turning against us. Yet here we are, a progressive, inclusive Reform Jewish community. We are a congregation that welcomes interfaith households and blended families. We are a congregation that is heimish and humble. In our post-pandemic world there is no more urgent a time for creating community than now. Adas Emuno is a community.

    The Talmud records the life of an unusual and remarkable sage in ancient Israel named Honi the Circlemaker. Nobody knows why he received that name, but he is said to have gone around the land of Israel planting carob trees, a Jewish Johnny Appleseed, if you will. When asked why he took upon himself such an adventure, Honi responded that one day when he was still a young man he saw an old man planting a carob tree. Honi said, “Old man, why are you planting that tree. Don’t you know that it takes a carob tree seventy years to bear fruit? The man paused, looked up at him, and said, “Just as my ancestors planted for me, so I will plant for my children.”

    That piece of wisdom changed Honi’s life. And it just might change ours. If we embrace the realization that we are not here solely for ourselves; if we stand in gratitude for what those before us have done for us and decide to pay it forward to the next generation.

    Join us for our Jubilee and Sesquicentennial. Get others to join us as well. Let us give thanks for our past while embracing our future. Just as my ancestors planted for me, so I will plant for my children.

  • September 22, 2021 2:04 PM | Lance Strate (Administrator)


    Rosh Hashanah Evening, 5782

    Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz

    Rosh Hashanah is a time when we celebrate the past even as we embrace the future. We mark the arrival of the High Holy Days by honoring the old while welcoming the new. We chant ancient words but often add new melody and translation.

    This Rosh Hashanah I again partake of the old/new by continuing a tradition that I established some five years ago. Now, on the eve of the Holiday, I’d like to offer a davar torah, a commentary, on one of the key prayers in our holiday liturgy.

    After all, we recite these prayers year and year, sometimes by rote. They form the backbone of our service. They move us in an emotive, nostalgic way… but what do they mean? What are we saying? Why are they important?

    This year, as we slowly emerge from the pandemic that upended our lives so dramatically, I find myself wrestling with the prayer that contains the most haunting and memorable line of the High Holy Days liturgy. Quite honestly, it is also the prayer that makes many of us the most uncomfortable. It is the prayer that we would most like to ignore or at least reinterpret.

    “Who Shall Live; Who Shall Die”.

    B’rosh Hashanah yikatevun, u’vyom tzom kippur yayhatemun… mi yichiyeh u’mi yamut

    On Rosh Hashanah it is written, and on Yom Kippur it is sealed… how many shall pass on, how many shall come to be; who shall live and who shall die.

    We chant it in the Hebrew tomorrow morning, plaintively; almost resignedly.

    “Who Shall Live; Who Shall die” is a centuries old lament that seems to suggest that our fate is sealed, that judgment, on this Day of Judgment” has been cast. It is found in the section called U’netaneh Tokef, which literally mean Let Us Proclaim the Severity of this Sacred Day. As I say in my introduction to the prayer each year, It is at once the most archaic yet relevant, humbling yet empowering prayer of these Days of Awe.

    At times during the height of the pandemic it seemed like our fate was indeed out of our hands. We seemed powerless to stop the plague. Day to day we didn’t know who will live and who will die. We took extreme measures to try to avert the severity of the decree.

    Let me read you the full text of the prayer in English, which we don’t do in the morning service, since we chant it in the Hebrew. It is raw and graphic:

    On Rosh Hashanah it is written; on Yom Kippur it is sealed:

    How many shall pass on; how many shall be born;

    Who shall live and who shall die;

    Who shall see ripe age and who shall not;

    Who shall perish by fire and who by water;

    Who by sword and who by beast;

    Who by hunger and who by thirst;

    Who by earthquake and who by plague;

    Who by strangling and who by stoning;

    Who shall be secure and who shall be driven;

    Who shall be tranquil and who shall be troubled;

    Who shall be poor and who shall be rich;

    Who shall be humbled and who exalted.

    Our ancestors were all too schooled in hardship and suffering and the many ways we can die. Remember that these prayers originate in the early Middle Ages, when life expectancy was barely half of what it is now, and when war and famine and plague were constants in the life of our people. It is no surprise that they would compose prayers that understood that our fate was essentially out of our hands.

    What is surprising is that we choose to preserve and recite these same words. And with all the advances in science and medicine over the centuries, is our destiny any more in our hands than before? I’ve talked with people about this over the years, and it is interesting that some people say yes and some say no. I talk to modern, educated people who insist that we alone determine our fate, while others are adamant that our fate remains largely beyond our control. Can both views be right at the same time? Look how we were initially powerless in the face of the pandemic in the early months, but how we were able to finally turn the tide with vaccines created with our most advanced scientific knowledge coupled with state-of-the-art production and distribution.

    Note how this prayer subtly moves from the bodily threats to life to how we respond to these challenges. In other words; from our physical health to our mental health. Who shall be secure; who insecure; who tranquil; who troubled?

    Then in the last lines the prayer shifts yet again, to our economic well-being and status. Who shall be poor; who rich; who humbled; who exalted?

    The prayer, having compelled us to confront our mortality, concludes in a surprising and provocative way. It acknowledges roah hag’zerahthe severity of the decree. Our fate can be harsh and capricious. So much is beyond out control. But not everything. The decree can be tempered. Not wholly, but to some degree by our actions, which always have consequences, and can alter our destiny.

    And what are these actions? They are teshuva (repentance), t’filah (prayer), and tzedakah (charity).

    The liturgy of the High Holy Days leave no question that we are fallible; we are flawed; it is not if we will make mistakes but when, and the need to forgive and be forgiven is fundamental to our well-being. So it is no surprise that repentance occupies a key place on the road to redemption.

    So too the importance of helping our fellow in need. We reach the highest rung of ethical living when we transcend our own egocentricity and serve the other. When we are guided by the better angels of our nature we make for a better world. Tzedakah, with its root in the Hebrew word for justice, means so much more than the charitable impulse when it strikes us, but the insistence of sharing of our wealth and working for a just and equitable society.

    Less apparent to the majority of us for whom prayer is not a central but a peripheral part of our lives, is the power of supplication. But to the religious mind, prayer can indeed be life altering. As Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel expresses it in an oft-quoted passage from our Shabbat siddur:

    Prayer invites God’s presence to suffuse our spirits…. Prayer may not bring water to parched fields, nor mend a broken bridge, nor rebuild a ruined city. But prayer can water an arid soul, mend of broken heart, and rebuild a weakened will.

    Rabbi David Teutsch writes:

    In our everyday lives, we live with an illusion of control. [This prayer] forces us to admit how profoundly our lives can be altered by random occurrences over which we have no control. I cannot control the unexpected blows that will affect my family, my job, my health. But I can control how I live with them. T’shuvah, t’filah and tzedakah will mitigate the bad in the decree. They will not stop the blows that come our way, but they can radically transform how we are affected by them.

    We have collectively been through a harrowing year and half, but we know that life’s challenges are present in our lives all the time.

    In this regard I think it is appropriate to cite another, very well-known appeal, often referred to as the Serenity Prayer:

    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

    May our acts of repentance, charity and prayer temper the decree at this New Year, or at the very least, give us strength to strive and solace to accept.

  • September 21, 2021 1:08 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    An Evening of Community, Celebration, Food and Music

    We hope you can join us this coming Sunday, September 26, for some or all of the planned festivities. RSVP is required for "Subs-for-Sukkot" only.

    • 5:00 pm - Subs-for-Sukkot
    • 6:00 pm - Simchat Torah Celebration
    • 6:30 pm - Sukkot Folk Concert
    Subs-for-Sukkot will include individually wrapped meat and veggie sandwiches, beverages and snacks. Join us for some or all of the fun filled activities!

    RSVP for Subs-for-Sukkot

    Look for additional information in the "This Week at Adas Emuno" email on Thursday, September 23, or under "News" on this website.

  • September 15, 2021 12:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Sept. 15, 2021

    Dear Friends,
      This weekly message is arriving a day earlier than usual since Yom Kippur begins tonight.
       Books and food drive bags are available in bins on the school porch at any time.
       School families- here is a link to a PDF of our children's prayer book, so you can follow along at Thursday’s children's service (2:00 PM) if you are not to attend in-person:

      The day after Yom Kippur is already Erev Shabbat and a good opportunity to gather remotely via our Zoom Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM). 

       The next morning our Shabbat Morning Torah Study (10:00 AM) commences (now happening via Zoom). This year we delve into the epic history that birthed our people- The Rise and Fall of Ancient Israel. 

       Sunday morning religious school (9:00 AM) outside will also feature our monthly Tot program (9:30 AM).

       Sunday afternoon the annual Leonia International Day of Peace event takes place (4:30-6:00 PM) on the lawn of the Methodist Church, and I am always happy to participate in the ceremony. (The Methodist Church lawn is on Broad Avenue.)

       Mark your calendar now for our Sukkot-Simchat Torah Celebration on Sunday the 26th. We begin with a free outdoor subs-for-sukkot meal (5:00 PM) by reservation (email, followed by an abbreviated Simchat Torah Celebration (6:00 PM), and capped off by a Sukkot Folk Concert (6:30 PM), featuring Iris Karlin, Peter Hayes, Elka Oliver, Michael Scowden and Scott Dennis! 

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz

    For Livestream Services:
    Go to and enter Adas Emuno Streaming in the search box. About 5 minutes before the service is set to begin, find the service that is "live" and wait for the service to begin.
  • September 09, 2021 8:46 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Sept. 9, 2021

    Dear Friends,
      This Sabbath, in between the High Holidays, is known as Shabbat Shuva, the Sabbath of Return, and is a beautiful blend of holiday and sabbath melodies.

      This year, it also corresponds to the 20th anniversary of 9-11, and I will share a very personal story in that regard at our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM).

      On Sunday morning we hope to see many of you bright and early for our Gathering in the Garden  along with our Religious School Opening Day (9:00 AM). Come for a song-fest, snacks, fellowship and your free t-shirt!

       Our Monday evening the Adas Emuno Book Club (7:30 PM) will discuss the epic novel As A Driven Leaf. The discussion should be enlightening (even if you did not read or finish the book).

         Finally, there are families in Leonia, including in our congregation, who continue to deal with the flooding from Hurricane Ina. If you would like to add to the contribution already made by our congregation to assist these families please let me know. 

    Shabbat shalom and shanah tovah,
    Rabbi Schwartz

    For Livestream Shabbat and Holiday Services:
    Go to and enter Adas Emuno Streaming in the search box. About 5 minutes before services are scheduled to begin, find the service that is "live" and wait for the service to begin.
  • September 02, 2021 8:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Sept. 2, 2021

    Dear Friends,
       This is the last Shabbat of the Jewish year, as well as Labor Day weekend, and the unofficial end of summer.
       Our Zoom Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 pman unexpected change of format) will preview the upcoming holidays. 

       High Holiday books will be handed out this Sunday from 10-12 and then anytime from a bin on the school porch.
        From the ritual committee: all reservations and choices for all services that have been received have been approved. 

        Make sure your calendar is marked for our Gathering in the Garden on the 12th (9-11AM) and our Book Club on the 13th (7:30 PM). We are reading “As a Driven Leaf” by Milton Steinberg.

      Whether in-person or via livestream,  I look forward to seeing you Monday evening and Tuesday at our Rosh Hashanah Evening Service, Morning Service, Children's Service and Tashlich!

      With warm wishes for a safe and joyful new year of peace and blessing,

    Shabbat shalom and shanah tovah,
    Rabbi Barry Schwartz

    For Livestream Services:
    Go to and enter Adas Emuno Streaming in the search box.
    About 5 minutes before the service is scheduled to begin, find the service that is "live" and wait for the service to begin.
  • August 26, 2021 8:56 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Friends,

       As we draw near the High Holydays our thoughts turn to forgiveness.
       Traditionally special prayers on this theme, called Selichot, are recited this week.
       At our Zoom Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM) we'll share stories on this theme .
       Bring your most meaningful story of forgiveness- personal or historical.
       And on the lighter side of holiday preparation, join our two expert cooks to learn recipes, at our second Zoom Cooking Class this Sunday evening (7:00 PM ).
        You will be surprised how entertaining Chefs Gibby and Marilyn are!

       This is likely our last Zoom service (as the cantor is away) for a while.
       For upcoming Livestream Shabbat services a page guide for your home prayer book is now available:
       Here's the link (which you can print out):

       Reminder- send in your High Holiday service seating form now, or email Virginia or Doris.
       With capacity limits, we need to know what services you will be attending.
       High Holiday books will be handed out next Sunday the 5th from 10-12 and then anytime from a bin on the school porch.

        And our lovely Gathering in the Garden has been rescheduled for Sunday morning, Sept 12 (9-11 AM), corresponding to the first day of religious school. Volunteers are needed bright and early at 8:00 to help set up- email Annette or myself.

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz
  • August 19, 2021 8:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Aug. 19, 2021

    Dear Friends,
      Our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM) will be especially joyful because we celebrate a baby naming.
      Mazal tov to Leiana Rose and to her parents Leah Ryan and Pablo Villafane!
      To add to the spirit, we welcome Peter Hayes accompanying the cantor on guitar.

      We hope to see you this Sunday at our annual Gathering in the Garden (4-6PM).
      Greet your fellow families; enjoy food, drink and music.
      And make sure to pick up  your beautiful new Adas Emuno T-Shirt!

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz

    PS Have you sent in your High Holiday seat reservations? Please do so this week!  And the deadline for Book of Remembrance entries is this Monday. You may also email Doris or Virginia with your requests.

    For Livestream Shabbat Service Option:
    Go to and enter Adas Emuno Streaming in the search box.
    About 5 minutes before, find the service that is "live" and wait for the service to begin.
  • August 12, 2021 10:22 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Aug. 12, 2021

    Dear Friends,

      Given that this week's Torah portion contains the classic discussion of the administration of justice in our society...I thought it would be an apt time to talk about what is happening to our Supreme Court.

      I'll do so at our Shabbat Evening Service  (7:30 PM), where we very much value your in-person attendance, while also offering the Livestream option.

      By now you should have received our beautiful calendar, announcement of our Aug. 22 Gathering in the Garden, and High Holiday mailing. It's a quiet time now in the waning days of summer, but not for much longer!

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz

    For Livestream Shabbat Services:
    Go to and enter Adas Emuno Streaming in the search box.
    About 5 minutes before, find the service that is "live" and wait for the service to begin.

  • August 05, 2021 8:43 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Aug. 5, 2021

    Dear Friends,
      I read an interesting story about how the chapel at Camp David, the presidential retreat center, was designed.
      There's a valuable lesson for religious pluralism, which I will share at our Zoom Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM).
        (Note that when the cantor is away we will continue to avail ourselves of Zoom).

       Mark your calendar now for our annual Gathering in the Garden, on Sunday, Aug. 22 (4-6 PM).
       For all ages, including a school open house, and your free Adas Emuno t-shirt!
       Details to follow. 

    Shabbat shalom
    Rabbi Schwartz

Cantorial Soloist

Suzy Auriel Merritt

Religious School Director

Annette De Marco

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