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254 Broad Avenue Leonia, NJ 07605 201.592.1712

Religious School Director
     Annette De Marco

Annette De Marco worked as a teacher for special needs students in public school for 14 years, and for the last 15+ years has taught in religious schools for grades Pre-K through 7th, including teaching a "pull out" class for extra help in Hebrew skills. She thinks of Adas Emuno as having a "multi-room schoolhouse'', simple and welcoming in design, filled with students' laughter as they learn. Annette sees religious school as a bridge between home and community, a place for all to meet, to forge friendships, to teach each other and to learn from each other, l'dor v'dor style.

Cantorial Soloist

Suzy Auriel Merritt

Religious School Director

Annette De Marco

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