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254 Broad Avenue Leonia, NJ 07605 201.592.1712

This Week at Adas Emuno

October 28, 2021 8:26 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Oct. 28, 2021

Dear Friends,
   This week's Torah portion begins with the death of one matriarch (Sarah), ends with the introduction of the next matriarch (Rebecca), but also mentions two other rather mysterious women, Hagar and Keturah. 
   At our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM) we'll discuss the significance of all four women and the relationship between them.

   You might think that the Torah's description of the most important event in Jewish history, the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai is a straight-forward, unified account. Think again!
     At our Zoom Shabbat Morning Torah Study (10:00 AM) we'll look at the complex reality.

   Even if you are not a regular, you may want to attend our next Adas Emuno Book Club (Nov. 8 at 7:30 PM) and read the book now. The long lost novella of the great writer Sholom Aleichem, Moshkeleh the Thief, has just been published in English for the first time, and it is a delight. Call 1-800-848-6224 and use code 6JP21 to get 40% off, courtesy of The Jewish Publication Society.

Shabbat shalom,
Rabbi Schwartz

For Livestream Services:
Go to and enter Adas Emuno Streaming in the search box. About 5 minutes before the service is scheduled to begin, find the service that is "live" and wait for the service to begin.

Cantorial Soloist

Suzy Auriel Merritt

Religious School Director

Annette De Marco

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