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254 Broad Avenue Leonia, NJ 07605 201.592.1712

  • June 09, 2022 10:01 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 9, 2022
    Dear Friends,
      Across the country, Pride Month celebrates the diversity of America. 

      At our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM) I thought it would be worthwhile to offer a short but remarkable history of inclusion within Reform Judaism during the last half-century.

       On Sunday our congregation will participate in Leonia Pride Day (1:00-4:00 PM) in two ways: I will speak briefly at the rally and we will have an exhibit table at the event in Wood Park. 

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz

    For Livestream Services: 
    Find all our recorded services on YouTube at "Adas Emuno Streaming" and use this direct link once the service has started: 

  • June 02, 2022 8:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 2, 2022

    Dear Friends,
      It has been said that the Torah is the constitution of the Jewish people.
      What does the Torah have in common with the US Constitution, and how does it differ?
      It's a pertinent question to ask as we celebrate Shavuot- the holiday of the giving of the Torah- this weekend, and as we debate how the Supreme Court should interpret the Constitution. 

      We'll consider this question at our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM), which will feature an outdoor dairy oneg (cheesecake?) in honor of Shavuot.

       We celebrate the bat mitzvah of Ash Devins at our Shabbat Morning Service (10:00 AM).
       Now how about this- Ash's great grandfather was a rabbi who served Adas Emuno in Hoboken in 1945-46!
       Mazal tov to Ash and her family!

        Ready to read our next book for the Adas Emuno book club next month (July 11)? Dara Horn is one of the best new Jewish novelists, and All Other Nights, is an intriguing and suspenseful spy story set in Civil War New Orleans.

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz

    For Livestream Services:
    Find all our recorded services on YouTube at "Adas Emuno Streaming" and use this direct link once the service has started:
  • May 26, 2022 9:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 26, 2022

    Dear Friends,
      It was fifty years ago next week that Sally Preisand was ordained as the first woman rabbi.
      Today more than half of the graduating rabbinical and cantorial classes of our movement are female, and a whole generation of young people have grown up in this new era.
      We'll mark this momentous anniversary at our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM).

       We celebrate the bat mitzvah of Nora Levy at our Shabbat Morning Service (10:00 AM).
       Mazal tov to Nora and her family.

        We have just learned of yet another mass shooting tragedy in a school, casting a pall over a Memorial Day weekend when we pause to remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. 

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz

    For Livestream Services:
    Find all our recorded services on YouTube at "Adas Emuno Streaming" and use this direct link once the service has started:
  • May 19, 2022 10:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 19, 2022

      It's a big weekend: our final family service of the school year, our final Torah study, and our final session of religious school!

     Our Shabbat Evening Family Service (7:30 PM) will feature the debut of our new Adas Emuno musical ensemble, featuring Elka Oliver, Peter Hays, Scott Dennis, Scott Avidon, and of course, our cantor Iris Karlin. You won't want to miss it!

      This is also the Confirmation of six graduating students: Myles Beckerman, Noah Gereb, Griffin Lawrence, Matt Priblo, Sasha Raskin, and Hannah Scowden. Mazal tov to all!
       We conclude our year long study of “The Rise and Fall of Ancient Israel” at Zoom Shabbat Morning Torah Study (10:00 AM).
       And we conclude religious school on Sunday, with heartfelt thanks to students, parents, and teachers.

        At services, at school and at Torah study we persevered through another year of hybrid learning and praying- facing the further waves of  the pandemic with great dedication and spirit. In Hebrew we say, kol hakavod- all honor to you, for a job well done!
    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz

    PS. A Shavuot Cooking Class will take place on Sunday evening (7:00 PM). Look for details in an email tomorrow.

    Our monthly Board meetings are open to all members and take place on the third Thursday of each month (7:30 PM) via Zoom. To receive a link for tonight or any meeting, contact Michael Fishbein.

    For Livestream Services:
    Find all our recorded services on YouTube at "Adas Emuno Streaming" and use this direct link once the service has started:

  • May 12, 2022 8:31 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 12, 2022
    Dear Friends,

       An Israeli astronaut recently visited the International Space Station. It was what he brought on the flight that was most interesting and moving. I'll explain at our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM).

        We celebrate the bar mitzvah of Shane Feinstein at our Shabbat Morning Service (9:30 AM- note earlier time), following in his father Andrew's footsteps, who became a bar mitzvah here too! Mazal tov to Shane and his family. 
        The Adas Emuno Book Club takes place via zoom on Monday (7:30 PM). Join the discussion on the provocative collection of short stories  For the Relief of Unbearable Urges by Nathan Englander. See the Rabbi’s weekly message for the link.

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz

    For Livestream Services:
    Find all our recorded services on YouTube at "Adas Emuno Streaming" and use this direct link five minutes before services are scheduked to begin:


  • May 05, 2022 12:07 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 5, 2022

    Dear Friends,
      Today is Yom Ha'Atzmaut- Israel Independence Day...the Jewish State's 74th birthday.

      Our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM) will celebrate Israel through words and music. 
      My remarks "Israel Is for the Birds" will particularly interest nature lovers!

       We're coming down the home stretch of our Zoom Shabbat Morning Torah Study (10:00 AM)- just two sessions remaining- where we look at the fascinating return of  the Jews, under Ezra and Nehemiah, from the Babylonian exile.  
        Please note that the next meeting of the Adas Emuno Book Club has been rescheduled for Monday, May 16 (7:30 PM). It's not too late to read the provocative collection of short stories  For the Relief of Unbearable Urges by Nathan Englander.

       And to all our imahot; Happy Mother's Day!

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz

    For Livestream Services:
    Find all our recorded services on YouTube at "Adas Emuno Streaming" and use this direct link once the service has started:
  • April 28, 2022 9:12 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    April 28, 2022
    Dear Friends,
      Today is Yom HaShoah- Holocaust Remembrance Day...and the imperative to remember remains as important as ever in our troubled world. 

      Our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM) will remember through words, music and candle lighting. I will comment on a powerful piece in this regard written by a high- school student.

        You may read the essay here: 
    Op-Ed: In high school, I've barely learned about the Holocaust - Los Angeles Times (

       Our busy spring b'nai mitzvah season begins at our Shabbat Morning Service (10:00 AM), when Hannah Rak celebrates her bat mitzvah. Mazal tov to Hannah and her family!

        Please note that the next meeting of the Adas Emuno Book Club has been rescheduled for Monday, May 16 (7:30 PM). It's not too late to read the provocative collection of short stories  For the Relief of Unbearable Urges by Nathan Englander.

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz

    For Livestream Services:
    Find all our recorded services on YouTube at "Adas Emuno Streaming" and use this direct link once the service has started:

  • April 21, 2022 8:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Apr.21, 2022

    Dear Friends,
      This year the last day of Pesach coincides with Earth Day.
      That's the perfect opportunity to speak about the ecological significance of our spring festival.
      We'll do so at our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM).

      The last king of ancient Judah was Zedekiah, an understandably tragic figure.
      We'll follow his story, and that of the great prophet, Jeremiah, who predicted his demise, at our Zoom Shabbat Morning Torah Study (10:00 AM).

       Religious school (and Confirmation) resume this Sunday- hoping everyone had a good spring break.

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz

    For Livestream Services:
    Find all our recorded services on YouTube at "Adas Emuno Streaming" and use this direct link once the service has started:
  • April 14, 2022 11:01 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    April 14, 2022

    Dear Friends,
       Pesach begins tomorrow night, and when it coincides with Shabbat as it does this year, it is the one time we do not have our Shabbat Evening service. 
       Shabbat Morning Torah study and Sunday Religious school are also on break for the holiday.
       However, for those who are not attending a second night seder, you are cordially invited to join the cantor and I for a Zoom Pesach Celebration (7:30-8:15 PM) on Saturday night.
        We will feature music and contemporary readings for our festival of freedom, and a holiday quiz. See the Zoom link in the Rabbi’s weekly message emailed to members.

         If you missed our Zoom Pesach Cooking Class, you can view here (enter the password carefully-case sensitive), the first thirty minutes with our cantor's Israeli recipes (easy to make!) and the second half with members sharing their seder memories: (Passcode: t0n1Xq#h)

      At our seders this year we add special prayers of peace for Ukraine, so devastated by war, and for our beloved Israel, recently wracked by a spate of terrorist attacks. There is no freedom without the basic security of being able to live free of fear and violence. 

    Shabbat shalom and Hag Sameach,
    Rabbi Schwartz
  • April 07, 2022 8:43 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    April 7, 2022

    Dear Friends,
      We're looking forward to our Shabbat Evening Family Service (7:30 PM), which features our K-2 class sharing some special songs. Come support our youngest students in-person! 
      Hezekiah and Josiah are the two most important Israelite kings after David and Solomon, and we'll find out why at our Zoom Shabbat Morning Torah Study (10:00 AM).

       Pesach is one week away:
       *A Tot-Pesach program takes place this Sunday (9:30) in the social hall, as well as a school-wide Pesach celebration during regular school hours.
       *Next Friday is the first night of Pesach- this is the one time we do not have a Shabbat service.  No Torah study the next morning, and no school next Sunday.
        *You are cordially invited to a second night Zoom Pesach Celebration (7:30- 8:15 PM) in words and music, led by the cantor and myself  on Saturday evening Apr. 16 (link in next week's message).
    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz

    For Livestream Services:
    Use this direct link once the service has started:

Cantorial Soloist

Suzy Auriel Merritt

Religious School Director

Annette De Marco

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