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  • July 25, 2024 10:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 25, 2024

    Dear Friends,
        Does God take sides?
        One might think so after viewing the Republican National Convention last week.
        One might also think so after reading this week's Torah portion.
        And why does this make us uncomfortable? 
        We should talk about this, and we will, at our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM).

        Mark you calendar for next week:
        Our monthly outdoor patio service is at 6:00 PM.
        And we join with Gesher Shalom for a mid-summer barbecue on Sunday the 4th (2:00-4:00); it's free for members of both congregations but reservations are required by emailing

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz
  • July 18, 2024 1:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 19, 2024

    Dear Friends,
      One hundred years ago this month two things happened that changed America- and not for the better.
       The consequences for the country in general, and the American Jewish community in particular, are still being felt. This includes the the tendencies toward political violence, and anti-immigration policies, that continue to challenge us.
        I'll speak about this legacy of 1924 at our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM).

        Last week my sermon, "Joe and Moses" was also published in the Jewish Standard, which you can read here:

        The word is out- its a pleasure to sing along with our new cantorial soloist, Suzy Merritt. Come see and hear for yourself!
         For summer reading, try The Wolf Hunt, by Ayelet Gundar-Goshen, which is our next book club selection for September. Though written before Oct. 7, it captures the the angst and unease of the American-Israeli -Jewish community today.

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz

  • July 11, 2024 8:52 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 11, 2024

    Dear Friends,
      Post Independence Day, it is now just four months until Election Day.
      Many of us find that a scary proposition!
      A lot is on our minds, very much including the presidential debate and its aftermath.

      Last week I spoke about the failure of leadership, on multiple levels, in the Torah, with resonance for today
      I want to continue that theme at our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM), with some words that you might entitle "Joe and Moses"!
    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz
  • July 04, 2024 9:43 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 4, 2024

    Dear Friends,
       Tomorrow is our second Shabbat Evening Summer Service: an outdoor, informal, patio service (6:00 PM).
        We proudly introduce our new cantorial soloist, Suzy Merritt.  
        Suzy is a long-time Jewish music teacher in the area, and brings a warm, spiritual voice to her music.
        I think you will be singing along with Suzy and her guitar in no time!

        Feel free to bring a picnic supper for after the service; we will supply the drinks and dessert.
        Note that this service will not be livestreamed, unless the weather relegates us to the sanctuary.

        Wishing you and your family a happy and meaningful July 4, as we celebrate our country's 248th birthday.

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz
  • June 27, 2024 8:01 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 27, 2024

    Dear Friends,
      I'm not proud to say it, but my rabbinical school alma mater, Hebrew Union College, has been involved in a number of controversies recently- four to be exact.
       They relate to contemporary issues we all care about: Israel, intermarriage, equality and economy. 
       It's time to talk about it, and I will do so at our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM)

       Reminder- next week (July 5) is our second outdoor patio service (6:00 PM), also introducing our new cantorial soloist Suzy Merritt.   

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz
  • June 20, 2024 8:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 20, 2024

    Dear Friends,
      Two weeks ago we marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
       One soldier who served there was Lt. Nathan Baskind.
       I'm deeply moved to share his story at our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM).

       On Sunday (3:00 PM) please join us for a concert by the Bergen County Chapter of the American Recorder Society. Music of the Renaissance and Baroque periods will be presented, "with a sprinkling of Israeli and Yiddish songs". The concert is free and refreshments will be served in the garden.

      This evening Congregation Adas Emuno's 153rd Annual Meeting will take place in-person (7:00PM). You are invited to hear about the "state of the shul". What better way to usher in the summer solstice!

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz
  • June 13, 2024 9:41 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 13, 2024

    Dear Friends,
       This week we marked Shavuot, the culmination of our ancestors' journey from Egypt to Sinai; from liberation to revelation. 
         Yet we know that the journey is never complete when some are still not free; this is true right now when we were joyful and tearful at the release of four hostages while knowing that more than a hundred still suffer in captivity. 

        At our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30) we celebrate the culmination of another journey, as we bid farewell to Cantor Joe Flaxman. He will be joined by Cantor Iris Karlin. Together they made an indelible impression on our congregation over the last four years. We have been blessed by their presence and in turn wish them and their families only blessings in the next stage of their journeys.

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz
  • June 06, 2024 8:17 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 6, 2024

    Dear Friends,
      The first of our popular summer monthly outdoor patio services takes place tomorrow.
       Note that this Shabbat Evening Service begins at 6:00 PM.
       It's also Caring Community Shabbat, when we honor the work of the small committee behind the cards, holiday packages and visits that brighten our lives.
       We dedicate this service to the memory of Linda Kowalski, a beloved member of the committee who passed away last month and exemplified its highest ideals.
      (Note-This service is not livestreamed unless the weather moves us to the sanctuary).
        On Sunday Gesher Shalom invites us to a pre-Shavuot People of the Book program (2:00 PM). Participants are invited to a give a short (5 minute) talk on a favorite Jewish-themed book. Contact Doris White if you would like to present. You can also just listen...and a kosher ice cream truck will make an appearance!

        Social Action...Gesher Shalom and Adas Emuno will be holding a joint food drive this weekend.  Donations will be given to the food pantry of Jewish Family Services.  Please leave donations on the school porch. If you will be attending the Shavuot program, please bring your donation with you.

         Gesher's traditional Shavuot Morning Service(with yizkor) takes place on Thursday (10:30 AM). 

       We're changing the choice for our next book club meeting in July to And After the Fire by Lauren Belfer, which won a National Jewish Book Award.

         Reminder: Next week we bid a fond farewell to Cantors Joe Flaxman and Iris Karlin. The music will be special!

         Finally, I would be remiss not to mention that today is the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Of the 150,000+ allied soldiers who fought there, only 200 are still alive, and their average age is 100. We remember and honor their service and sacrifice.

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz
  • May 30, 2024 8:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 30, 2024

    Dear Friends,
      Why do many of us have such a negative feeling about the student protestors on our college campuses today?
      After all, didn't we support protests for civil rights, and against the Vietnam War, nuclear arms, and apartheid? 
      I'll delve into this troubling issue at our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM)

       With the arrival of summer, ready for some summer reading?
       Here are the next three books that will be discussed at the the Adas Emuno Book Club meetings:
    Kantika by Elizabeth Grave (for July 8th), The Wolf Hunt by Ayelet Gundar-Goshen (for September 9th),  Marjorie Morningstar by Herman Wouk (for November 11th).

        And speaking of books, Gesher Shalom invites us to a pre-Shavuot People of the Book program at the Temple on Sunday, June 9 (2:00 PM). Participants are invited to a give a short (5 minute) talk on a favorite Jewish-themed book. Contact Doris White if you would like to present. You can also just listen...and a kosher ice cream truck will make an appearance!

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz
  • May 23, 2024 8:02 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 23, 2024

    Dear Friends,
      I was fortunate to join a special tour of The New York Times last week, and it was fascinating, including from a Jewish point of view.
      I'll share some of the experience at our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM). 
      Of course, it is also Memorial Day Weekend, and we will pay tribute to those who have fallen in defense of our country.

       Torah study and religious school have now ended for the academic year, and we enter the quieter rhythm of summer. But keep in mind that our Shabbat evening services are year-round, and our partners Gesher Shalom offer a Shabbat morning service at 10:30 AM every week, that includes a kiddush luncheon afterwards.

       Also note that the first Shabbat evening of the summer months will be an early, outdoor service (6:00 PM) on our patio- those dates are June 7, July 5, and Aug. 2.
       And don't forget our farewell service to Cantor Joe on June 14.

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz
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Cantorial Soloist

Suzy Auriel Merritt

Religious School Director

Annette De Marco

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