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254 Broad Avenue Leonia, NJ 07605 201.592.1712

  • April 16, 2020 1:25 PM | Lance Strate (Administrator)

  • April 10, 2020 9:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Please share your Shabbat and Passover reflections, stories and/or photos with us for the upcoming Kadima. Submissions should be sent to Sandy Zornek ( using the subject line: Kadima. We look forward to sharing as a way to keep our community connected despite our physical distance.

  • April 09, 2020 7:14 PM | Lance Strate (Administrator)

  • April 08, 2020 2:01 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I'd Love to Hear From You!

    I'd like to wish you all a Happy Pesach (Passover).    
    In our tradition, tonight we ask, “Why is this night different from all other nights?"   Well, this year we can add, “How is this Passover seder different from all other Passover seders?"  

    I am sure that many of you are preparing for this evening with a mix of emotions resulting from our inability to connect with family and friends as we typically would.  As a community we are united in our need to deviate from long standing traditions and look for new ways to connect and retell our story for the safety of those we cherish most.  

    I am writing in hopes that many of you will share your Passover and Shabbat stories with me for the May/June edition of Kadima.  You can send your reflections, social distancing tips and photos to me directly via email.  Please share no later than April 20th.

    Chag Sameach,
    Sandy Zornek
    Adas Emuno Communications

  • April 02, 2020 1:44 PM | Lance Strate (Administrator)

  • March 26, 2020 1:58 PM | Lance Strate (Administrator)

  • March 20, 2020 3:27 PM | Lance Strate (Administrator)

  • March 19, 2020 10:39 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This Week at Adas Emuno

    March 19, 2020
    Dear Friends,
      This has been a week like no other and I pray you are finding calm and strength through the daily disruptions facing us all.

       Regretfully the NJ curfew and Leonia shutdown compels us to suspend Shabbat evening services.

        All other activities at the synagogue are already suspended. Plans are bring drawn up to continue religious school and b'nai mitzvah tutoring via distance learning.
         Our Board meeting will be conducted via Zoom this evening, and we will determine if and when services will be conducted on-line.

         I have personally contacted all our seniors that live alone to ensure that their essential needs are being addressed. 

        As is well known, our tradition places the imperative of pikuach nefesh, the saving of life, above all else. 

         And to quote NY Mets Pete Alonso, who put it so simply: "It's our duty to protect people who are at high risk."

         When we remind ourselves that all the disruptions we are facing are toward this goal, perhaps it makes it just a bit easier.

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz


  • March 13, 2020 7:56 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    March 13, 2020

    Dear Congregants,

          At this time of high anxiety and disruption due to the coronavirus, and in light of the state of emergency declared in Bergen County, we want to convey to you the important steps being taken by our congregation as determined by our leadership last night:

         1. Religious school is suspended until further notice.

             Our policy will be guided by that of the Leonia school district, and we are hoping to institute distant learning opportunities in the near future.

         2. Shabbat morning Torah study is suspended until further notice.

              The high proportion of seniors sitting in close proximity for an extended period elevates the risk of this activity.

         3. Shabbat evening services will take place, but without the ‘oneg’ that usually follows.

             We deem this the heart of our congregational activity, and low risk given the ability to spread out in the sanctuary, whereas the social/eating aspect downstairs elevates risk.

              Monthly Family Services will not take place, as the larger attendance in closer proximity also elevates risk.

           Extra-cleaning and hygiene precautions will be put into effect.

           B’nai mitzvah tutoring, which is one-on-one, will continue but non-essential group meetings should be postponed.

         We are a faith community that prides itself on social connection but we understand the unprecedented community imperative to observe social distancing during this pandemic.

         We join with all our fellow citizens in prayers for strength, wisdom and healing during this time of trial.

         Shabbat shalom, 

         Michael Fishbein and Rabbi Barry Schwartz

  • March 12, 2020 8:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This Week at Adas Emuno

    March 12, 2020
    Dear Friends,

       We are all concerned about the coronavirus and a statement on the prudent steps being taken by the congregational leadership will be forthcoming in a separate email shortly.

         Our Shabbat evening service (7:30 PM) will take place as planned.

       Please note, however, that the special Shabbat morning collaborative Torah study at Temple Sinai has been cancelled. We will therefore take a one week hiatus from Torah study.

       Religious school on Sunday includes Confirmation.

       Sincere thanks to all who made Purim such a joyous celebration this week amidst everything that is happening- it was good to celebrate and laugh!

    Shabbat shalom,
    Rabbi Schwartz

Cantorial Soloist

Suzy Auriel Merritt

Religious School Director

Annette De Marco

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