Sunday, December 6, 9 AM - Zoom
Well, it's Mitzvah Mall time at Adas Emuno! As with so much else, we are a "virtual reality" this year. And yet, Tikkun Olam, healing the world, can use our helping hands more than ever. So, please read on for Mitzvah Mall details.
Organizations being represented:
- Maywood Police Department K-9 Unit - a very special unit with a very unique aspect to it.
- Center for Food Action - This organization always does so much. Now, during the pandemic, there's even more going on.
You can print out the "greeting card" from the Adas Emuno Website (click here). At the top, there is a line to fill in the sender's name. The page also includes a box for each organization. Check off those which you give donations to, in honor of the recipients.
Cost per card: Student price per card- $2 Adult price per card- $2 and up
Ways to pay:
- Send a check to the temple [Congregation Adas Emuno, Attn: Annette (Social Action/Mitzvah Mall), 254 Broad Avenue, Leonia, N.J. 07605]. Checks can be made out to each organization or to Adas Emuno. Please remember to include a BREAKDOWN OF THE AMOUNTS FOR EACH ORGANIZATION if check is written to the temple.
- Go to the temple website, click on DONATE. Fill in boxes with name, email, amount and "code".
Please fill in "Additional Info." box with the SPECIFIC AMOUNTS YOU ARE DONATING TO EACH ORGANIZATION. Then click PAY and go from there.
This is a mall for everyone, regardless of age, interests or fear of driving on highways! We offer special gifts which you can be proud to give, recipients will be proud to receive and which keep on giving. In the spirit of making the world a little better, this is the mall to be at. So, with coffee, tea, milk, juice, etc. in hand [because there's no driving involved!], please join us.
Join Zoom Meeting The Zoom information is in an email sent to to members.
See ya there!
School & Social Action Committees