This Week at Adas Emuno
March 19, 2020
Dear Friends,
This has been a week like no other and I pray you are finding calm and strength through the daily disruptions facing us all.
Regretfully the NJ curfew and Leonia shutdown compels us to suspend Shabbat evening services.
All other activities at the synagogue are already suspended. Plans are bring drawn up to continue religious school and b'nai mitzvah tutoring via distance learning.
Our Board meeting will be conducted via Zoom this evening, and we will determine if and when services will be conducted on-line.
I have personally contacted all our seniors that live alone to ensure that their essential needs are being addressed.
As is well known, our tradition places the imperative of pikuach nefesh, the saving of life, above all else.
And to quote NY Mets Pete Alonso, who put it so simply: "It's our duty to protect people who are at high risk."
When we remind ourselves that all the disruptions we are facing are toward this goal, perhaps it makes it just a bit easier.
Shabbat shalom,
Rabbi Schwartz