This Week at Adas Emuno
Dec. 20, 2019
Hanukkah here we come!
At our Shabbat evening service (7:30 PM) we'll learn some little known facts about Hanukkah.
At our Shabbat morning Torah study (10:00 AM) we'll look at the Maccabean revolt that started the whole story through the lens of the Books of the Maccabees.
Beginning Sunday night we will light our ancient menorah outside the Temple at precisely 7:00 PM. As our president Michael Fishbein said last week, the real miracle is that our menorah still works.
Rain or shine or snow we'll say the blessings, sing a new song, and tell a new story (or joke) every night.
Keep in mind that next week we'll also light our antique indoor Temple menorah (nearly 120 years old) at both our Shabbat service on the 27th and our Hanukkah party on the 28th.
Shabbat shalom and Happy Hanukkah,
Rabbi Schwartz