This Week at Adas Emuno
Dec. 12, 2019
***We mourn the tragic deaths of three members of the Jewish community in Jersey City and a police officer there. Our hearts go out to their families.***
We welcome our 5th Grade to our December Family Shabbat Service (7:30 PM) to help lead the prayers and offer a skit on Hanukkah (it's getting close).
At our Shabbat Morning Torah Study (10:00 AM) we will learn about the abuse of power and impeachment of King David, who nonetheless is allowed to remain in office. Relevant?!
A special "Hanukkah Hour" Tot program takes place on Sunday (9:30 AM) during religious school. Any child age 1-4 is welcome with a parent.
Mark your calendar: Hanukkah begins Sunday eve the 22nd. We have our outdoor menorah lighting at 7:00 PM sharp every night, and our annual party Sat. eve, the 28th.
Shabbat shalom,
Rabbi Schwartz