This Week at Adas Emuno
Oct. 31, 2019
Dear Friends,
There was something about Noah (the subject of this week's Torah portion) that bothered the sages, and it has relevance to what is happening today. I'll let you in on the secret at our Shabbat evening service (7:30 PM).
We join with our local Reform congregations for a special combined Torah study at Temple Sinai in Tenafly with guest scholar Rabbi Leon Morris on Shabbat morning (9:00 AM).
Don't forget to have your clocks "fall back" an hour so you will be on time for religious school and anything else on Sunday.
Do you know someone with a tot age 1-4? If so, they will enjoy our special Tot-Shabbat program this Sunday (9:30-10:30 AM). Contact Kerri Klein at
And check out our new book club, which has its third meeting on Monday (7:30 PM).
Shabbat shalom,
Rabbi Schwartz