Religious School News
Cantor Sandy Horowitz, Religious School Director
What does your child like best about being at Religious School? Is it class debates, discussions, crafts activities? Holiday celebrations? Snack? Is it singing during Tefilah, or listening to the Rabbi’s stories? Is it simply being together with other Jewish kids? What about you as parents: what motivates you to ensure a Jewish education for your children?
One thing that inspires my commitment to Jewish education is the experience of being together in the sanctuary for Tefilah on Sunday mornings. It isn’t just the music, although as a Cantor of COURSE I LOVE hearing the voices of all your children! Rather, it’s the very experience of being in community⎯students (and sometimes their parents), madrichim, teachers and clergy. Each person has their own unique contribution that makes us the community that we are.
Our tradition holds high the value of community. One of the central moments for our biblical ancestors was when they stood at Mount Sinai, recently freed from slavery, and received the Ten Commandments, the fundamental laws of our tradition. In that moment, they were transformed from a group of separate individuals into “Am Israel”⎯the Jewish People.
Today, on Sunday mornings, we get to come together as “Am Adas-Emuno-Religious-School”⎯how cool is that! Based on the laws of our people, we try to instill in our students the value of living an ethically driven life, treating each other with kindness and respect and helping those who are in need. We must never forget that just a few generations ago millions of lives were brutally lost simply for being Jewish; but we’ve survived, we’re still here, and we are doing our best to make sure that the next generation will carry on our peoplehood.
Speaking of peoplehood, and survival (along with having a good time), the upcoming holidays of Purim and Passover will soon be upon us! Please let us know if you can help out either with the Purim Carnival or the school’s Passover celebration.