Social Action Committee News
Annette DeMarco, Chair
Mitzvah Mall–Held December 2nd
The Adas Emuno Mitzvah Mall was a great success! The Jewish Family and Children's Services of Northern New Jersey/Kosher Meals on Wheels, Tenafly Nature Center, Jewish Federation Emergency Relief Fund, and Hackensack Riverkeeper, were the four recipients of the funds raised.
Thank you to everyone who worked to put this program together. A special shout out to Lauren Rowland for lending her artistic talents to create our beautiful cards and charity inserts and to Sandy Zornek for never giving up on having the nature center bring our very special guest. To our school staff and director, Cantor Horowitz, for relinquishing classroom time to attend this event and to everyone who shopped at the mall! The major THANK YOU here goes to our students [and their parents] for the exuberance they showed throughout the presentation, their insightful questions their generosity in buying "gifts which keep on giving" in order to bring tikkun olam to the world. Those whom you bought for received some very meaningful gifts. And, todah rabah to Rabbi Schwartz for once again matching all mitzvah mall donations. This is generous and appreciated by us and by the recipients!
During the month of January, please bring soup of any brand and variety, any packaging and any size, to the vestry room. We collect through Super Bowl Sunday (February 3rd ). Donations will be delivered to the Center for Food Action in Englewood. It's Team A.E. vs. Team Hunger and we haven't lost a game, yet! Thank you ahead of time for getting in the game and ensuring a win!
Volunteer Opportunities:
New Jersey Conservation Foundation
Works to preserve/reverse wildlife decline by cleaning up/protecting habitats
Contact Lauren Ramos: 908-234-1225 x 102 or lauren at
Friendship Circle (for our teens)
Opportunity to work with children with special needs in social, Judaic and educational experiences
Orientation: Sunday, January 13th 10:30 AM [with adult]
Contact: Zeesy Grossbaum at 201-262-7172 or Zeesy at
Location: Yeshivat Heatid, 1500 Queen Anne Rd., Teaneck
Wishing everyone a very happy and healthy 2019!
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