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Religious School News Jan./Feb. 2019

January 22, 2019 1:13 PM | Lance Strate (Administrator)

Religious School News

Cantor Sandy Horowitz, Religious School Director

As I write this column we’re still coming off of the excitement of December’s Chanukah Family Service, featuring the 5th Grade. The students did a great job as they not only led us in the regular Shabbat prayers and music and put on a Chanukah skit, they also lent their voices to some classic Chanukah songs.

Family Services are always a lot of fun, and they are for all ages and all generations. We love seeing the sanctuary filled with parents and siblings, friends, board members, frequent Shabbat attendees and occasional visitors alike. It may be cold outside, but Shabbat warmth is a thing to be experienced, especially when we come together as a school and temple community. Save the date for the next Family Service led by the 4th graders on January 25.

Meanwhile, soon we will also be celebrating Tu B’Shevat, known as the “New Year of the Trees”. Our annual Tu B’Shevat Seder is generally known as a congregational event – rather than a school event – but some of the families and children who have attended in the past will tell you that it’s a lot of fun for all ages. Taking place on January 18 this year, the seder (shorter than a Passover seder, I promise!) takes place in the social hall following a brief Shabbat service. There are special foods, special songs and special stories that pertain to this holiday, and you get to experience it all at the seder.

Dates to note for January and February:

Friday, January 18
7:30 PM–Tu B’Shevat Seder

Friday, January 25
7:30 PM–Shabbat Family Service led by Grade 4

Sunday, February 17

Friday, February 22
7:30 PM–Shabbat Family Service (theme to be announced)

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Suzy Auriel Merritt

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Annette De Marco

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