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254 Broad Avenue Leonia, NJ 07605 201.592.1712

This Week at Adas Emuno

August 15, 2024 10:21 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Aug. 15, 2024

Dear Friends,
  The Sabbath after the 9th of Av (which was marked on Tuesday) has a special name, Shabbat Nachamu- Sabbath of Comfort. 

  I'll explain the enduring significance of this, with the help of three episodes in the life of the great sage Yochanan ben Zakkai, who was an eye witness to the destruction of the Temple, and arguably the most underappreciated leader in Jewish history.

    Cantor Suzy will add special music appropriate to the occasion, at our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM).


Shabbat shalom,
Rabbi Schwartz

Cantorial Soloist

Suzy Auriel Merritt

Religious School Director

Annette De Marco

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