June 29, 2022
Dear Friends,
As Pride Month draws to a close I was unexpectedly drawn into a gender related controversy in the Jewish community this week.
I'll explain how the culture wars arrived at my doorstep even as I wrote about the subject at our Shabbat Evening Service (7:30 PM).
My article, in The Jewish Standard, can be found here: https://jewishstandard.timesofisrael.com/religion-and-the-culture-wars/
FYI- Next week (July 7) is our second outdoor patio service (6:00 PM).
This especially festive gathering will feature both our student cantors and the launch my new book Open Judaism (signed copies will be gifted)!
It's also BYOP (Bring Your Own Picnic) following the service- with drinks and dessert provided.
Wishing you a meaningful Independence Day holiday.
Shabbat shalom,
Rabbi Schwartz