Dec. 16, 2022
Dear Friends,
We welcome the 5th Grade to lead our Shabbat Evening Family Service (7:30 PM) as we get ready for Hanukkah.
It's always interesting that the holiday coincides with the epic story of Joseph (who assimilated as he rose to power in Egypt to the point that he almost forgot his heritage), which we will probe at our Shabbat Morning Torah Study (10:00 AM).
Hanukkah begins Sunday evening, and like every year, we will light our outdoor menorah at 7:00 PM sharp, every night of the holiday. It's fun, short, and happens rain or shine or snow- so pick a night or two or more and c'mon over.
The first night we'll have some hot chocolate and treats. The sixth night, which is our Leonia community lighting, we'll have an oneg reception before our Shabbat-Hanukkah service. Every night we'll have a different song and maybe a fun fact or joke!
Shabbat shalom and Happy Hanukkah,
Rabbi Schwartz
For Livestream Services:
Find all our recorded services on YouTube at "Adas Emuno Streaming" and use this direct link once the service has started: